  17 session -> Annex 3

Annex 3
To the Recommendation of the 17th CASPCOM Session

Address of the 17th Session of Coordinating Committee on hydrometeorology and pollution monitoring of the Caspian Sea (CASPCOM) to the scientific community of the Caspian states.

The Caspian Sea plays an important part in the life of its coastal communities. Economic and social significance of the sea is determined by the state of its hydro- and ecosystem, which are sensitive to climate change and anthropogenic load.

Under the abovementioned circumstances the research in the field of hydrometeorology and pollution monitoring of the Caspian Sea is of special scientific and practical importance. CASPCOM experience shows that this importance grows when scientists of the Caspian states working in this field join and coordinate their efforts.

To expand cooperation and increase the awareness of scientists and specialists from the Caspian states on the Caspian Sea problems and their solutions, the 17th CASPCOM Session has taken a decision to publish CASPCOM research papers as an electronic version to be displayed at CASPCOM website.

"CASPCOM Research Papers" accept for publication new and earlier published scientific communications covering the results of research focused on the Caspian Sea. Main research sections of the research papers are as follows:
Meteorology and Climatology;
Hydrology and Oceanology;
Environmental monitoring.
The materials not previously published are published in "CASPCOM Research Journal", while the published materials are displayed in "CASPCOM Research Library". The rules for formatting and submission of the materials for publication in "CASPCOM Research Papers" are displayed at CASPCOM website

The 17th CASPCOM Session recommends the scientists and specialists from the Caspian states to publish the results of their research of the Caspian Sea and its basin in "CASPCOM Research Papers".